The Spine

Spinal Deformity in Children With Myelomeningocele

Myelomeningocele, or spina bifida cystica, is a birth defect that occurs in the early weeks of fetal development.

Spinal Fractures Topic Center

A spinal fracture is when you break a bone in your spine—that's the basic definition.

Spinal Infections

The vertebral column (bones), the intervertebral discs, the dural sac (the covering around the spinal cord) or the space around the spinal cord may become infected in a number of circumstances.

Spinal Osteoarthritis

Technically, spondylosis is a form of arthritis—spinal osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis) to be exact.

Spinal Stenosis Animation

This animation describes spinal stenosis, a condition in which degenerative changes in the spine lead to pain and weakness in the back and legs.

Spinal Stenosis Topic Center

Spinal refers to the spine. Stenosis is a medical term used to describe a condition where a normal-size opening has become narrow.

Spinal Synovial Cyst

For patients with degenerative spinal conditions, one cause of their back pain may be synovial cysts.

Spinal Tumor Topic Center

A spinal tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue. The tumor’s cells may multiply slowly or very quickly.

Spinal Tumors

Spine tumors may arise from any of the structures of the spine or the spinal column. They may arise in the cervical (neck), thoracic (mid-back) or lumbosacral (low back) regions.